New Single "Screen Hurt (More Hz Mix) feat. GONGON" Out Now!

The new single from Diff Rokka “Screen Hurt (More Hz Mix) feat. GONGON” is out now on all major download and streaming platforms. Links here.

The song is a new, alternate version of the song Screen Hurt which featured on Diff Rokka’s debut album “Hurts Less When I Speed” and features ex B-Dash frontman GONGON on additional vocals.

Diff Rokkaのニューシングル今日発売!

Apple Music, Spotify, Amazon Music, Bandcamp, YouTubeなどから聞けます。リンクはこちら。

"Screen Hurt - More Hz Mix" 元B-Dash, GONGON RecordsのGONGONとのフィーチャリングソングです。Diff Rokkaのデビューアルバム "Hurts Less When I Speed"に収録されている1曲 "Screen Hurt" をアレンジした新曲です。

Joey Meuross
Diff Rokka - Screen Hurt (More Hz Mix) - New single trailer

The new single by Diff Rokka "Screen Hurt (More Hz Mix)” featuring GONGON (ex B-Dash, GONGON Records) will be released this Friday 2022.01.07.

The song is a new, alternate version of "Screen Hurt" which featured on Diff Rokka's debut album "Hurts Less When I Speed".

It will be available on all major download and streaming platforms including Apple Music, Spotify, Amazon Music, Bandcamp etc.

ニューシングル"Screen Hurt - More Hz Mix" を今週金曜日2022.01.07にリリース!元B-Dash, GONGON RecordsのGONGON とのフィーチャリングソングです。

Diff Rokkaのデビューアルバム "Hurts Less When I Speed"に収録されている1曲 "Screen Hurt" をアレンジした新曲です。

Apple Music, Spotify, Amazon Music, Bandcamp などからも聞けます。

Joey Meuross
TAK MAD YouTube Channel Intro by Diff Rokka

I made an intro for my friend Tak Mad's YouTube channel. I made it as distorted and loud as I possibly could! Listen with sound on. Might make you jump!

友人のTak MadさんのYouTube ch.用のイントロを作りました。 できるかぎりディストーションとラウドな音に仕上げました! 動画を見るときは、サウンドオンでみてください!イントロなのでいきなりラウドすぎて驚く人がいるかもです笑

Check out TAK MAD's YouTube channel for all things related to The Mad Capsule Markets.

Joey Meuross
Interview with TAK MAD

I was recently interviewed by my friend and fellow Mad Capsule Markets fan TAK MAD for his YouTube channel. We talked in detail about The Mad Capsules, discussing their rising popularity in Europe in the early 2000s and my experience seeing them live in the UK in 2004. We also talked a bit about several Diff Rokka projects that I’m currently working on. The video is available to watch on TAK MAD’s YouTube channel. Interview is in Japanese.

Joey Meuross
FM Gunma Rockers 2021

On August 29th 2021 I entered the ‘FM Gunma Rockers’ battle of the bands contest at Takasaki Dust Bowl. Each artist performed two songs in front of judges from Victor Entertainment and Sony Music.

Set list: Dragster, Work it Out.

More photos from the event here

Joey Meuross
Hiroshi Okubo feat. Diff Rokka - Breathless
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I collaborated with Hiroshi Okubo on a new song for Diverse System's AD:HOUSE 9 compilation, released on August 23rd.

It was an honour for me to work with Hiroshi San since I've been a fan of his game music work for a long time. I first heard his music when I played Rage Racer back in around 1997. From that point, I became a huge fan of the Ridge Racer series, especially its soundtracks which Hiroshi San was a big part of. The Ridge Racer sound went on to inspire my own music. After moving to Japan in 2014, I got to know Hiroshi San and then a few months ago he invited me to work on a new song he was making for AD:HOUSE 9. The vocal style he was looking for was a little different to the style I usually sing in, but I wrote some lyrics and gave it a go.

It was a really fun song to work on and I'm very happy with how it turned out. It's a dream come true to have my vocals on a Hiroshi Okubo track!

A huge thank you to Hiroshi San for inviting me to work on the track. The song is out now on Disc 1 / Track 1 of AD:HOUSE 9. I hope you all enjoy listening to this different side to Diff Rokka!

More information on the release here

Full crossfade preview of the album here

大久保博さんとのコラボレーション作品Diverse SystemのAD:HOUSE 9 が8月23日発売されました。

長年、博さんがつくる音楽のファンだったので今回こうして一緒に一つの曲を作り上げることができ大変光栄でした。彼の音楽を初めて聞いたのは1997年頃のレイジレーサー。その頃からリッジレーサーシリーズの大ファンになり、特に博さんのサウンドトラックが気に入り好きになりました。リッジレーサーの音楽は、私の音楽史にも影響しました。その後2014年に来日し、博さんにお会いする機会がありました。そして今回AD:HOUSE 9へ博さんから声をかけていただきこうして夢が実現しました。


AD:HOUSE 9発売中!みなさんにDiff Rokkaのまた別の雰囲気を楽しんでもらえたら。

Joey Meuross
AD:HOUSE 9 - Hiroshi Okubo Collaboration

I collaborated with Hiroshi Okubo for a song on Diverse System's forthcoming "AD:HOUSE 9".

Hiroshi San has been one of my favourite game music composers since I first played the Ridge Racer games as a kid. It's an honour to have worked with him on a song!

The song is called "Breathless". I wrote the lyrics and sang the vocals.

Out on Diverse System August 23rd.

More information on the official Diverse System site.

Diverse System の"AD:HOUSE9"の曲をコンポーザーHiroshi Okuboさんとコラボさせていただきました!

Hiroshi Okuboさんはずっと好きなゲームコンポーザーのお一人です。リッジレーサーが好きで小学生の頃にHiroshiさんの音楽を初めて知って以来の大ファンです。



Full album cross-fade preview

Artwork by Mika Pikazo

Artwork by Mika Pikazo

Joey Meuross
Live Hz Audio

Thank you all for tuning into the Diff Rokka online live set last week.

The full audio from the performance is now available for download on the Diff Rokka Bandcamp.

For those of you who didn’t catch the performance, or anyone that wants to relive it, the video is still available for viewing on the Diff Rokka YouTube channel

Joey Meuross
Live Hz - Message From Joey

Hello, Diff Rokka here!

Thank you to everyone who tuned into my online live set ‘Live Hz’ last week. I was really happy to read all of your comments during and after the set, and so glad to hear that so many of you enjoyed it. It was a great opportunity to reconnect with a lot of friends and other music fans who I unfortunately haven’t been able to see for over a year now due to the pandemic. Having everyone gathering on YouTube at the same time was a really special moment. I’m looking forward to taking this live show to actual live houses in the future, and when I do, I’m really looking forward to seeing you all there!

In the meantime, you can continue to watch the video on the Diff Rokka YouTube channel here

Individual song performances from the show are also available on the channel here so you can share your favourite tracks from the performance with your friends!

Thank you and see you all soon!


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Joey Meuross
Diff Rokka Japan Store Now Online

The Diff Rokka Japan store is now online at

New items now available:

  • Diff Rokka DR-01 logo T-shirts

  • Live Hz logo T-shirts

  • Diff Rokka pixel logo T-shirts

  • A limited run of the 3-track DR-01 CD Sampler

Currently, only shipping within Japan is available. Plans for a store page with international shipping are currently in progress.

Joey Meuross
Online Live Information and Trailer

Diff Rokka’s first full online live set ‘Live Hz’ is scheduled for a YouTube Premiere on Sunday March 21st at 9pm Japan Standard Time (12pm UK time). YouTube Premiere Link

It’s 30 minute live video featuring songs from his debut album ‘Hurts Less When I Speed’. All sound and visuals have been produced by Diff Rokka and it was recorded at Katakata Studios.

No tickets are needed. More information can be found here

Diff Rokkaの初めてのオンラインライブセット”Live Hz”はDiff Rokka公式YouTubeチャンネル2021年3月21日21時YouTubeプレミア公開 ​

彼のデビューアルバム‘Hurts Less When I Speed’から30分のフルライブ映像。 ビジュアル/サウンドプロデュース: Diff Rokka。 レコーディング: Katakata Studios。

※チケット購入不要。どなたでも観られます。 詳しくはこちらです。

Joey Meuross
Online Live Video Update
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Hello, Diff Rokka here!

I’ve completed all the work for the online live video. It’s taken a long time to put this together, but It’s done now and I’m looking forward to showing it to you all. Look out for an announcement soon!


Joey Meuross
February 2021 Update
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I've been away from social media for a little while, so just wanted to let you all know I'm still here and working hard on Diff Rokka stuff. I've finished the recording for the online live set and am now editing the audio and footage. I’m learning a lot about audio visualisations and other video editing processes and techniques. I want the show to be as visually exciting as I can possible make it. I'm doing all the audio and visuals myself, so it's going to take a little more time, but it'll be worth it in the end.
Hope you're all settling into the new year.

しばらくSNSから離れてましたが、Diff Rokkaに取り組んでました。オンラインライブのレコーディングはすでに終えていて、今はビデオを編集するにあたりオーディオビジュアライザーなど色々学びながら作業してます。

Joey Meuross
November 2020 Update

This year is going really fast! I can't believe it's already nearly December. Usually I go back to England around this time of year to celebrate Christmas and New Year with family, but unfortunately due to Corona, I'm not able to go this year. On the plus side though, staying in Japan over the holidays means I can continue working hard on Diff Rokka stuff. I've been busy recording some brand new material over the past weeks. There are some cool new Diff Rokka projects in the works but I can't talk about them just yet.

I'm still rehearsing and developing my live show. I've been making a lot of progress and should be ready to record an online live show for you all soon. This year it was my goal to get my live show to a point where I'd be ready to start performing for real from 2021. I think I'm going to meet that goal, so I'm happy about that.

The other night I watched the Summer Sonic YouTube stream of The Mad Capsule Markets' 2000 performance. It was great to see their performance of Midi Surf. I’d never seen that footage before. Around 2000 was when I started getting interested in MAD. OSC-DIS was the first album I owned by them, so I have good memories of that period. They continue to be a big influence on my sound and seeing live footage of them always motivates me to do my best with my own live show!

今年はあっという間!もう12月になるなんて信じられない。毎年クリスマスの時期はイギリスに戻るけど、今年はコロナのために帰りません。でもDiff Rokkaの作業に取り組めると、前向きに考えてます。そしてここ数週は、新曲作りに時間を割いています。まだ言えないけど、これがDiff Rokkaの新しいクールなプロジェクトになりそうです。


先日はサマソニYoutube配信を見ました!見たごとなかったThe Mad Capsule Marketsの2000のパフォーマンスが見られて楽しかった!2000年頃は、私がMADに興味を持ち始めた頃で、OSC-DISは私が初めて買ったアルバムです。なのでその時代は懐かしく特別です。彼らはいまだに私の音楽に影響を与え続けているので、彼らのライブを見るといつも私自身のライブをベストで尽くしたいとモチベーションをもらいます。

Joey Meuross
Live Rehearsals Update

Over the last few months I’ve been developing the Diff Rokka live show at my home studio. I’m making steady progress but there’s still a lot of work to do. The Diff Rokka live show will be a solo show with me on vocals and guitar. I’ll be playing to backing tracks and manipulating synths and beats during the performance.

Unfortunately, due to the current COVID-19 situation, playing at actual live venues won’t be possible for a while, so I’ve been getting a setup together in my studio so that I’ll be able to record some studio performances for you all to watch online. I’ve setup a green screen and am also working on some original animation and video material that will be displayed on it during the performance. Looking forward to debuting the Diff Rokka live show for you all! More info coming soon.

Joey Meuross
New Album Interview

An interview about my new album 'Hurts Less When I Speed' is up now on the Diff Rokka YouTube channel

I talk about the evolution of the Diff Rokka sound as well as the concept and production of the album itself.

Diff Rokka ニューアルバムインタビュー動画をYoutubeにアップしました!

インタビューの中では、ニューアルバム”Hurts Less When I Speed”のコンセプトや制作秘話について話しています。


Joey Meuross

I’ve been getting some practice in for the new album songs this week. I’ve also been getting some live equipment together and figuring out the technical ins and outs of the Diff Rokka live show. I’m hoping to have the live show up and running by 2021.

Joey Meuross
Message from Joey

My debut album 'Hurts Less When I Speed' is out now!

The album is available on Spotify, Apple Music, Bandcamp and all other major download and streaming platforms.
It's been a long road getting this done, but it's finally here! I really hope you all enjoy the album.

In light of recent world events that have occurred I think it's important to say that I stand in solidarity with all that object to racism, violence and bigotry. I hope this album brings a little bit of light during these difficult times and I hope we can all move to a more peaceful, loving and unified world.

Finally I'd like to say a big thank you for all of your support.

Have a great day,
Joey (Diff Rokka)

Joey Meuross
Hurts Less When I Speed - OUT NOW!
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Hello, Diff Rokka here!

My debut album 'Hurts Less When I Speed' is out today, June 6th! The album consists of 10 songs including new mixdowns of the previously released tracks Work it Out, Devils of the Storm and Time Attack. It also features the latest single Lightning Bolt and 6 brand new, never before released songs.

The album is available on Spotify, Apple Music, Bandcamp and other major download and streaming services.

It's been a long road getting this done, but it's finally here! I really hope you all enjoy the album.

In light of recent world events that have occurred I think it's important to say that I stand in solidarity with all that object to racism, violence and bigotry. I hope this album brings a little bit of light during these difficult times and I hope we can all move to a more peaceful, loving and unified world.

Finally I'd like to say a big thank you all for your support.

Have a great day!
Joey (Diff Rokka)

Joey Meuross